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PrimeVal Gelatinaat Dog 500gr
PrimeVal Gelatinaat Dog 500gr
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01.PrimeVal Gelatinaat Horse 5kg
02.PrimeVal Gelatinaat Horse 2kg
03.Safestyle Stirrup 'xLIte' Black 12cm
PrimeVal Gelatinaat Horse 2kg  $189.00 


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Europe’s market leading joint food supplement!

PrimeVal Gelatinaat® is a Collagen based supplement which delivers the building blocks for the WHOLE musculo-skeletal system. 95% of the product is absorbed within 12 hours of intake. No loading period required. PrimeVal Gelatinaat® is safe (recommended!) for use during pregnancy and can safely be used in conjunction with veterinary medication.
PrimeVal Gelatinaat® horses are typically more supple, easier to warm up and recover faster after heavy work. European top riders have been using PrimeVal Gelatinaat® for years!





Beyond glucosamine


· Cartilage
· Tendons & Ligaments
· Bones
· Synovial Fluid
· Hooves
· Skin & Coat
· Improved resistance to injury



Composition: Collagen Hydrolysate, minerals, flavouring, Collagen Type II

Analysis: raw protein 64%, ray fat 0%, raw cellulose 0%, raw ash 10%, moisture 10% 

What PrimeVal Gelatinaat ® is and is not
PrimeVal Gelatinaat ® is regularly being compared to other joint supplements. However, in Australasia, there is no comparable product on the market.
PrimeVal Gelatinaat ® is NOT a tonic or a multi vitamin supplement.
PrimeVal Gelatinaat ® is a food supplement that benefits the WHOLE musculoskeletal system because of the unique composition and combination of the two Collagens: Collagen Hydrolysate & Collagen Type II

Gelatinaat ® and Gelatine
Connective tissue is formed from collagen fibers of which there are several types present in the body. Tendons, ligaments and bones are build up from Collagen Type I, skin and blood vessels from Collagen Type III and base membranes from Collagen Type IV. Cartilage consists largely of Collagen Type II. The latter is very important and a strong component against inflammation.
Collagen, the protein substance forming the connective tissues, has a very specific amino acid composition. Compared to other protein structures, the protein structure of Collagen has a large amount of proline and glycine incorporated. Horses can manufacture these two amino acids themselves although it requires a lot of energy to do so. During periods of growth or when in heavy work horses might be unable to produce sufficient amounts of these vital amino acids.
Gelatine Hydrolysate is a very good source of the amino acids proline, glycine and arginine, which form the amino acid spectrum of Collagen in the cartilage matrix. The high-grade pharmaceutical gelatine hydrolysate in PrimeVal Gelatinaat® has a high absorption rate (95%) as compared to the single amino acid proline.
Collagen hydrolysate is a special gelatine. It does not swell and has little effect on the digestive process as compared to ‘normal’ or ‘bakers’ gelatine, which for the same purpose, would require substantially larger quantities and would cause digestive upsets.

DIY Info

Feeding advice for your horse

Horses primarily eat roughage. If horses could seek their own food, they would find almost everything they needed in good roughage (grass, hay, straw, alfalfa silage). However, horses have become almost completely dependent on man for their feed provision. Most horse-owners are also not fully aware of the analysis of the roughage that they feed (what is in it). The biochemistry of the digestive system of horses literally requires them to spend at least 17 hours per day foraging for roughage. It is thus important that your horse’s “breakfast” consists of roughage (hay or silage). The best thing is to divide the daily quantity of roughage over 4-6 feeds per day, which stimulates the necessary intestinal peristalsis; this in turn sharply reduces the risk of colic and stable vices, and foodstuffs are better assimilated. At the same time so-called feed envy will disappear and the horse will chew more calmly so that the essential digestive enzymes in the saliva have a chance to act. Make a habit of giving horses only roughage as their last feed at night. Always give grain or concentrate after roughage and never last thing at night! This feeding programme is also extremely suitable for horses that have been prescribed “stable rest”. Tip: in this case also give your horse PrimeVal StressLess, which prevents sudden flight behaviour when going outside.

PrimeVal: Orthomolecular supplementary animal feed

The word orthomolecular consists of the words orthos (= healthy) and molecular (= relating to molecules). Orthomolecular medicine focuses on providing the body with the right quantity of supplementary nutrients, so that the body stays healthy.

Food provides the body with fuel (carbohydrates and fats), building blocks (proteins and fats) and regulative and protective substances (vitamins, minerals and amino acids). If the body receives too little, insufficiently varied or inadequate food, certain functions will cease to work, which will lead to long-term physical and mental problems. Factors such as pollution, radiation, stress, etc. can speed up this process even more.

With orthomolecular feed and supplements, this downward spiral can be reversed. The body receives the necessary nutrients to carry out all biochemical processes, excrete any foreign substances (as a result of medication, radiation, etc.) and build up reserves.


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This product was added to our catalog on 06/12/2012.
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